Recognize Signs That You Actually Less Drinking Water Every Day

Water is one of the basic needs of the human body. Who can deny it? Drinking water is one of the best ways to enjoy life. In addition to refreshing also can make it as filler water intake in the body that is very, very needed by the body which actually consists of about 80% water.

Undisputed that the water is very important for all organs of the body. Have you ever felt the drinking water was more refreshing than drinking soda or coffee? That is why water is very beneficial and should not be less because if not drinking alone you will find things that are uncomfortable in your body. Sure You Drink Enough Water Each Day? Recognize Signs That You Actually Less Drinking Water Every Day!

1. mouth feels dry continuous
Mouth often feel dry when it is clear that you do not drink enough water. Do not rush berperasa enter the water when you're thirsty. Indeed, you need to reduce dryness in the mouth is by increasing levels of water intake into the body because the water can lubricate the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, which will continue to keep your mouth still wet.

2. The skin feels drier than usual
A sign of very dry skin is that you can "draw" anything on your skin, use your nails. Even dry skin is one of the signs of dehydration full in your body. Lack of water means lack of sweating, which causes the body's inability to remove dirt and excess oils that have accumulated throughout the day. If you want to stop drinking just a lot a lot, could also avoid the growth of acne loh!

3. You feel too thirsty
Ever feel like you thirsty kebangetan? Well it slaah a sign of lack of water you drink! If there are signals from the body like this, so quickly drinking water and maintain levels not to forget!

4. In addition to the mouth and dry skin, dry eye is also a sign that you know!
Now it should be clear that drinking water affects more than just the mouth and throat. Without water in the body is less one of them is your tear ducts dry up.

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